Open Data
- Spectral albedo time-series at Dome C, Col de Porte and Col du Lautaret.
Autosolexs data presented in Picard et al. 2016 (Dome C), Dumont et al. 2017 (Col de Porte) and Tuzet al. 2020 have been processed to yield precise spectral albedo and specific surface area (SSA).
- Snow albedo over artificial macroscopic surface roughness. These data from the Alps were used in Larue et al. 2020 to validate our rough surface model, doi: 10.18709/perscido.2020.05.ds314.
Surface melting in Antarctica and on the Greenland Ice Sheet derived from passive microwave satellite observations.
Surface melting events occur every summer on the coasts and shelves in Antarctica and is widespread on the Greenland Ice Sheet. The inter-annual variations of the melt duration or extent are important indicators of the climate variations. Melt events are easily detected using microwave radiometer data that are available since 1979.
- Near-real time status for the Greenland ice-sheet is available
- Near-real time status for the Antarctic ice-sheet is available
- Surface melting dataset from SSM/I is available for download. We processed the microwave data to extract every single melt events at a 25-km resolution and on a daily basis. The update is every year (usually October for the Antarctic and March for Greenland) when the lastest SSM/I data are published by NSIDC.
- Timeseries of surface elevation maps at Dome C measured by time lapse laserscanning. These data acquired with the home-made automatic laserscanner RLS are presented in Picard et al. 2016 and Picard et al. 2019. doi: 10.18709/perscido.2019.07.ds249.
- Automatic Photography
PAuto is a near-infrared time-lapse photography system installed at Dome C to monitor the surface. It is ideal to reveal the complexity of the accumulation, drift, post-deposition, and crystallation processes. Operating such a camera is quite challenging in Antarctica with extreme low temperatures. The set of daily picture used by Champollion et al. 2013, spanning November 2009 to February 2010 and from January 2011 to February 2013 is can be browsed and downloaded. More recent data are available upon request. Pauto has been move on the American tower in Jan 2017.
- New ice absorption in the visible. This dataset updates the compilation by Warren and Brandt (2008), in the visible. The dataset features a stronger absorption with observable impact on snow spectral albedo and on the surface energy budget. It is highly recommended to use this new dataset for accurate calculations of pristine snow. More information, tabulated values and codes with ice absorption coefficients.